Immunology Lectures
- 很多女⽣, 都是在當了媽媽後,才第⼀次驚覺”落髮”。
- 也許是產後的⼼情,壓⼒,⾝體,以及緊張的⽣活⽅式,都經歷巨⼤的起伏變化。
- 加上,已經把⼀部分⾃⼰的⽣命⼒給了孩⼦。
- 頭⽪髮根的保養,重建美麗。
- 補充流失,回復活⼒,讓髮根迅速重現⽣命⼒。
- DeZone 微領域『沙龍專⽤頭⽪養護愛妳!
- #頭⽪保養#微領域#媽媽
Lecture time:
- Taichung Show:
May 27, 2022 (Fri) 2pm – 4pm
Showroom, Qiuhonggu Education Park, Taichung City - Taipei Show (Limited lunch boxes are available for the lecture):
August 19, 2002 (Fri) 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
57th Floor, Building 101, Xinyi District, Taipei City
The Executive Centre
- TWD $1200
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